Networks these days are a big and complex problem. Our network consulting services simplify it, and ensure your network is fast and reliable so you can get back to business.
With our Network Consulting Services, we can answer questions for you such as: Do you need to bring in another server to handle your accounting software, or is there a better, hosted (or Cloud) solution? Should you be virtualizing your servers? Is fiber Internet the best answer for your needs or should you consider MOE or maybe even MPLS? How about providing wireless to your warehouse to allow the use of handheld barcode scanners for inventory?
Information technology departments must spend enormous amounts of time and money worrying about integrating big computer systems with billions of pieces of customer data. - Alex Berenson
Should you be encrypting your data locally in the interests of security and if you do, what are the performance and data availability issues surrounding that? You get the point. Are you planning on expanding? Do you foresee new users? How many, how soon and for how long? Effective network consulting requires a “bigger picture” than the day to day work of your network administration.
Are there are time sensitive applications like VOIP and video conferencing that are suffering on your network? Are you managing the Internet bandwidth you have now and preparing for the inevitable growth in demand later? All those items require expertise in data traffic. Net Sciences network consulting team can take a look at your network traffic, evaluate the applications you need and prioritize them. We can restrict some levels of traffic, prioritize others, and eliminate even others, making sure that your network and attached devices are running at top speed.
Download the Free Report: 10 Things You Need to Ask When Hiring an IT Firm!
How will this increase your productivity? Are your users wasting more time watching their computer “think” and less time generating income for the business? Sometimes, just a few minor changes can make all the difference in productivity.
In our case, those changes can be in proper configuration of the network and systems to make sure the network is not the bottleneck in productivity. Our network consultants can develop a perfect combination of software and hardware to ensure that you’re running at maximum efficiency.
What happens when new technologies are introduced? At Net Sciences, we pride ourselves on staying ahead of today’s technology. We are always up-to-date on the latest trends, products, and issues. That puts us in a position to be able to advise you on long-term goals, as opposed to systems that may be obsolete before they are even installed.
Contact us today to discuss network consulting for your business. We've been serving local Albuquerque-area businesses for over 15 years and offer a 99.9% uptime guarantee. The last time one of our managed customers had a day of unplanned downtime was 15 years ago. We can bring that same reliability to your business network.