The network is secure. That's awesome. Really awesome.
Is your network secure from a breach? How many people share computers, logins, or credentials? Are you protected from Trojans, malware and viruses? Do you have “surfing” users that consistently infect your systems?
Work with Net Sciences to determine how to restrict and control access, based on your business requirements, using the equipment you already have or by providing the best new options for you. We can also set up internal security policies and early warning systems should a breach occur. Like dressing for the cold, security involves “layering” your defenses, monitoring them and keeping them in place.
Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master. – Christian Lous Lange
In the unlikely event that a breach does occur, Net Sciences can take lead on identification and mitigation of any damage, ensuring your return to business does not worry you.
Securing your data is complicated, but essential to your business. So turn to the NSI experts. We are New Mexico’s top Sonicwall Gold Partner, offering firewall/UTM, email security, wireless, continuous data protection, and secure remote access solutions. NSI has four Sonicwall CSSAs on staff and ten years of experience. NSI knows Sonicwall. NSI is New Mexico’s top Symantec SMB Specialist, offering Symantec archive, backup, data protection and antivirus products, including Symantec Backup Exec (BE), System Recovery (SSR), Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) and Enterprise Vault (EV). NSI is a TAPP Partner with over 15 years of experience. NSI knows Symantec.
NSI protects your data from all types of threats, creating complete security solutions. From secure remote access to disaster recovery, NSI takes care of your business data so that you can take care of your business.
Network Security Software
Symantec Endpoint Protection – Protect those endpoints!
Network Security Hardware
Sonicwall Firewall/UTM – We can block all your traffic from here to Sunday
Sonicwall SSL-VPN/SRA – Remote access doesn’t mean leaving the clicker on the TV tray.
Sonicwall Email Security – We hate spam. Unless it’s the food kind of spam.