IT support in Albuquerque can provide protection even against large-scale attacks, but you'll need some quotient of redundancy for greatest effect. Consider the (Distributed Denial of Service) DDoS attack, something so massive it can knock down a firewall like a leaf in the breeze.
If you're not familiar with it, a DDoS attack is when multiple devices of one technological caliber or another ping a network simultaneously. See, a firewall isn't infinite. It must use some quotient of processing power. Now, a small bit of processing ability is expended denying one user. But if thousands upon thousands of users hit a wall simultaneously, it will over-tax the wall's system and then the wall will collapse in on itself. This happened to some of the biggest, most well-secured operations in the country during the fourth quarter of 2016. What happened was a conglomeration of mobile devices downloaded third-party software which sent requests to certain networks en masse. It was a successful attack causing outages all along the east coast.
Firewall Redundancy
Depending on the size and scope of your network, it will take more or less fraudulent access requests from a DDoS attack to knock out your firewall. But the fact is, you can't repel a big enough effort. No one can. What you can do, however, is institute fail-over via what's known as firewall redundancy.
The term "redundant" seems to have a negative connotation, except in terms of security. You’d never want redundant technology for your operations, but you do want redundant security measures for your IT. IT support in Albuquerque can help provide you with firewall failover redundancy. Basically, it's a wall inside a wall. One wall acts as the primary, the second wall acts as the backup. Should a DDoS or other cybercriminal penetration strategy compromise your primary firewall, a redundant firewall solution immediately brings your backup firewall to the fore, where the attack can be stopped until the first one is resuscitated.
Multiple Security Solutions
With security today, it is absolutely essential that you have multiple redundant solutions. You want a firewall that is redundantly supported, and you want proactive monitoring. You want support that is continuously available. Additionally, you want Backup and Data Recovery (BDR) so if some worst-case scenario knocks systems offline, you immediately have a secondary network available. With cloud computing, this is more viable and effective than ever.
Continuous Changes
You should also consider that technology is continuously developing. The firewalls of the 90s tatter like ancient fabric compared to those hot off the presses. Abstract entropy in terms of anachronism affects older technology. What this means is you always have to upgrade your security. As new tech arrives, new vulnerabilities do as well. The result is new cybercriminal workarounds that must be addressed as they are discovered. The right MSP can provide you with the latest in security solutions.
Securing Your Business
IT support in Albuquerque through Net Sciences, Inc. can help you set up a redundant firewall as a protective measure against DDoS attacks and other cybercriminal techniques designed to knock out firewalls. Additionally, you have comprehensive security protection buffered by the latest tech security discoveries. Contact us to ensure your business is properly protected.