Another IOT (Internet of Things) attack on the Internet
Brian Krebs on last week's IOT driven attack. Scary reading!
Brian Krebs on last week's IOT driven attack. Scary reading!
Daniel Cooper of Engadget reports on Teslacrypt ransomware. -Article
Dan Goodin of Ars Technica reports on vulnerabilities of QuickTime for Windows. -Article
Susan Bradley of Windows Secrets reports on Locky ransomware. -Article
Kevin Lee of Tech Radar reports on Windows 10 privacy options. -Article
Andy Greenberg of Wired reports on security vulnerabilities of wireless mice and keyboards. -Article
Net Sciences president Joshua Liberman writes about the need for backup and disaster recovery. -Article
Scammers pose as company execs in wire transfer spam campaign. - Article by Sean Butler with Symantec
Yevgeniy Sverdlik of Data Center Knowledge reports on Verizon public cloud closing. - Article